Monday, June 27, 2011


My mom is trying to help us out this summer by watching Danny one or two days a week. My mom is awesome.  She's my mom, would she be anything less? Don't ask my husband. He'll answer you in all of his honesty of my mom being his mother-n-law. Mom called this evening, asked if Danny would be available on Wednesday. That's great! I'm working late that day, so all is covered. I mention to Danny that his Nunnie will be picking him up Wednesday morning. "What are we going to be doing?" 'Well Nunnie said that you will either be swimming at the neighbor's or Zelie Pool.' {Big heavy sigh} "Oh, Nun doesn't really let me go all over the pool in Zelie. I'm only allowed in the 3 feet and I have to stay in a small section where she can see me at all times." I tried explaining to him that his Nunnie is just watching out for him and his safety and that I would discuss the 4 foot deep adventure.
My mom turned 70 on June 19th. We had a surprise party for her on June 4th. We rented a little hall and invited 100 people. We had about 85 show and it was wonderful! Mom never knew about it. After she walked through the door at 4:30 and realized the party was for her, she cried. It was a very heartwarming, humbling experience. My mom has been a mom for 50 years. A half of century. That's a pretty long time. For 50 years my mom has been taking care of us, sacrificing her time for her family. We, meaning me, and my older sister and brother were able to do something for her. And it felt great. Even though the party was almost a month ago, my mom still thanks us and tells what a surprise and how great it was. How much she enjoyed herself. Well was our pleasure.
The classic family photo. I can not wait to frame 8 x 10's and give them out as Christmas presents this year!

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