I love paper! The way it feels - the way it smells. Scrap Happy is just my own little place where I can write about anything and display my creations. My very own Mental Therapy Heaven.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
So Little Time
We are leaving for vacation on Sunday. I have so much to do to get ready and am really stressing over it. Every day we have something going on. Tomorrow is my last day of work, which I am so looking forward to. After work is chiropractor, then WalMart. Come home, unload car, usually without any help, fix dinner, clean up and by that time it is almost 8:00 and I am whooped. Friday morning I am going to Cub Scout Day Camp with Danny. I'm not complaining about going, Danny is thrilled, but it is from 8:00 - 4:00. The whole day is shot. We are going to Aldi's afterwards, again probably not getting home until 6:00, unloading without help, fix dinner, clean up and start laundry. Saturday morning will be the last of the grocery shopping, followed by packing. We are going to the Pirate Game Saturday night, and possibly stopping to visit Dan's mom on the way in. It is fireworks night, so we won't be home until late, and Dan would like to leave early Sunday morning to go to camp. So much to do, so little time.
Danny is thoroughly enjoying day camp. Every day is an adventure. He is getting pretty worn out during the day too, which makes for cranky nights until bed time. Danny usually gets up on his own around 6:00 am, but since camp has started, I've had to wake him up. I know next week while we are at camp Danny will sleep in. We all will. I'm looking forward to that. No plans set in stone, I know we will be enjoying the river and we will be fishing. Other than that, who knows. Just make the plans as we go along.
Well again, 5:30 comes early and I am beat tonight. I can't believe I actually blogged 2 nights in a row! Woo Whooo!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The Climb
OK here it is, the first picture of myself that I can actually tell I've lost weight. My mom thinks I look just beautiful, but then what is a mom going to say? Of course I'm beautiful to her, I'm her daughter. I was just messing around with my camera and decided to take a few pics of me. Something I do not do.
Tonight was Weight Watchers. UGH....I'm never going to get there. This is for life. I did lose, and I lost .8 pounds. My total so far is 23.8. I have a long journey ahead. I was contemplating life and my life the whole drive home. Why was I born like this? Am I always going to look like this? Why can't I eat what I want to eat? Why aren't I losing how I want to lose? Maybe I should cut more points from my daily allowance. How am i going to make it through vacation without gaining. 25 pounds seems so far out of reach. THEN, a song came on the radio, "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus. I listened to the words and it is now and forever going to be my song, my motivation. There is always going to be a mountain to climb, it doesn't matter at what pace you climb that mountain, just as long as you keep climbing. After you reach the top, you are not going to know what is on the other side, but you have to find out. On the other side of mine is going to be a thinner, healthier me. Mountain climbing isn't easy, my climb is not easy, but I'm doing it and by really listening to the words, I am going to make it. Its not going to be easy, there will be obstacles in the way. It is up to me to decide how I handle those obstacles. The whole gist of it is, there will always be another mountain, you climb one, then there is another and another and another. Food is not the answer. Food is the problem. Why is it that food is involved with everything in life? You're happy you eat, you're sad you eat, you had a bad day, you seek comfort in comfort food. This just goes on and on.
I have gone through a lot in my life. So many people have told me to write a book. The desire is not there for me. I grew up with an alcoholic parent, I got pregnant at an early age, I gave her up for adoption. I so totally loved someone, but was so afraid to tell him, he was so afraid to tell me, ended up telling me his feelings after he was married. We made a stupid mistake, the friendship we had ended. I gave my heart and soul to another, that ended tragically by suicide. The list goes on and on. I watched my dad die from cancer in 7 months. The point is I have survived. I lived through this. Just roll with the punches. I will roll with the punches with weight loss.
Vacation is next week. My husband is not happy because my mom invited herself to join us for 4 days. We never know how much time we have with someone in this world. We don't know our fate. I'm going to enjoy my mom's company. I am so happy that Danny will have memories of spending his vacation with his Nana. Danny doesn't have the memories of my dad and that tears me apart inside.
This summer has been the busiest summer I have ever experienced. I've neglected everything that I enjoy. I haven't had time. My bff and I haven't had one day of fun together yet this summer. We are setting aside July 31st. We will do something, I don't know what, but something.
It's late and 5:30 comes pretty early.
I'm going to keep on climbing.....
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I've Neglected My Blog!!!
to put pictures on this thing. Forgive my disaster!
These are the 3 pictures I have chosen to enter
Monday, June 15, 2009
I'm so far behind
I'm so sorry that I have neglected you. I have been quite busy these past few weeks. I will try my hardest to get my blog up to date this week. I really don't have an exciting life, but hey why not share it with others.
Weight Watchers was a gain of 1.6 pounds last week, oh well, it happens, life goes on, and get back on track. I know what I did and I enjoyed it too! This week may be bad as well, Lauren's graduation party, I used my extra 35 points a week on Coors Light, its not like I do it all of the time.
Well I have work to do now.....
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The Stanley Cup is on right now, my head is turned to the tv as I'm typing this. I should get going and watch the game. I just wanted to share my happiness!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Today's the Day
I have some things I have to get busy on. I will blog later today (hopefully) or tomorrow. I will have new pictures posted.
Enjoy your Sunday!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Whew! It's a Little Humid here in Harmony
Speaking of Weight Watchers, I took a week off and it showed. I only lost .4 pounds. I should be happy with that - at least I didn't gain. I have to get on the ball! I would really like to be down 50 pounds by the end of the summer although it seems very unrealistic.
We have having a birthday party for Danny next week. A birthday party campfire. This year it is a little different, his kids party is the same day. I'm having the kids come at 5:00, we will play birthday party games until 6:15/6:30, then tie it in to the adult/family party. The kids are going to roast hot dogs on the campfire. My sister is going to make a big thing of mac -n- cheese and that is what they are going to eat. We'll do presents and cake, then the kids can go home at 8:00, and the adults can do their thing. I believe I will be cracking open a well deserved beer at 8:01! Usually I'm on top of things, but this year I just seem to be lacking. It wasn't until 2 days ago I realized I didn't have a birthday cake ordered for Danny. I have nothing bought for his party! After school today, Danny and I are going to order his cake and start buying some party things. Danny wants to make treat bags from brown paper lunch bags. I mentioned using my Cricut, but he wants to color them. I should just let him do it, less for me, but I don't know. I get anal over things like that. Danny invited 20 kids, we've only had 4 rsvp! The day to rsvp is the 31st. I hope we start getting phone calls!
Sunday is a very big day for me. Kelly invited us to her housing warming/grad party! For anyone who reads this and doesn't know, Kelly is my daughter. I gave her up for adoption. I had her the day before my 16th birthday. Five years ago I looked for her, and found her. She wanted to meet. We have only lived about 20 minutes apart for all of these years! Our first year together was great, but then it faded. I never pushed Kelly into anything, the ball was always in her court. I was upset over the fact that we didn't talk anymore and didn't understand why, but I had to take comfort in the fact that she has had a wonderful life so far, great parents and a good head on her shoulders. I got to meet her, I had a face, a very beautiful face, I had a voice after 20 years. We started talking again this February. We have kept in touch pretty regularly. Kelly received her Masters in May in counseling. She is working at a local hospital as a drug/alcohol therapist. Her and her fiance' bought a house and closed on it in March. They are planning a December 2010 wedding. Anyway, Kelly invited us and I am so nervous! Her whole family is going to be there! I've met her mom and dad, they are very nice people, but the rest of the family I have not! I'm so afraid that I will not be liked, or they will think that I didn't want Kelly and just threw her away, which is so far from the truth. I'm just very nervous. The first meeting of everyone, I'll be known as the birth mother. After time, they will still know I'm her birth mother, but hopefully they will just know me as Sher. I believe that by Kelly inviting us to her party, she is taking a big step towards the future. Hopefully our relationship will continue.
Well, my kitchen floor is going to scrub itself, so I should get working on that. If I get a chance later, I will blog some more!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
It's a Hockey Night In Pittsburgh!!!!
I made these for my niece Lauren's 18th birthday. Lauren is a Little Mermaid fanatic! She really loved them. I don't think they turned out too badly. I really wish I had an "E" instead of the baby bug. The Disney cartridges cut easier at bigger sizes. The largest I can cut is 5-1/2". I can not believe Lauren is 18! Graduating High School in a few weeks, then off to college in the fall. Where does the time go? I don't want to go there. I'll get sad.
I feel bad I haven't kept up on my blog. I've been busy doing different things. After this weekend I have to get busy baking cookies for Lauren's graduation party and planning Danny's 8th birthday. I also can not believe that my little man is going to be 8! I mailed Danny's birthday party invitations yesterday (it was easier than him passing them out) and we've had one rsvp so far. This party should be interesting, I've never combined the kids party with the adult party. Hopefully it works out.
The Pens are winning 4 - 3 at the moment. Every game that I sit down to watch, they lose. If I have the game on and am doing different things like my Cricut or working on the computer they win. I told that to my husband tonight and he insisted that I go do something on the computer. I proved my point, we were losing, as soon as I started doing things over here, we started winning.
I'm going to get Danny's breathing treatment ready now. We are a little behind tonight. Danny has a horrible cough, the poor kid didn't sleep at all Sunday night. I took him to the doctor on Monday. We are doing breathing treatments and nose spray. I don't think it is a cold, the doctor doesn't think it is a cold, I believe it is allergy induced asthma. Seems like he gets this every year at this time.
I'll try to write more tomorrow, but it is going to be a busy day with packing and all.
It's Beautiful Outside and I'm stuck inside
We are having Danny's kid birthday party the same day as his family party. The kids will be coming an hour earlier. The kid party will then fall in with the grown up party. The kids will get picked up by 8:00. I have to come up with party games now. Danny invited a total of 20 kids. We'll see how many come.
I do have to do some work now. Hopefully I can blog more later.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I don't want to work...
I don't have a weight in to talk about this week. The place where we go holds elections, therefore, people were voting and a meeting could not be held. Oh well. I hope I haven't gained. I do have to admit that I have been careless with my points and have eaten like total crap for the past 5 days. I did start to get back on track last night with dinner. Hopefully next week I will hit my 20 pound mark. I will be so excited!
My niece's 18th birthday party was on Saturday. 40+ friends attended. Lauren had a great day. The party was very nice and the kids were nice. I don't think I would want to go back and relive teen years. Now late teen and early 20's, I'm there, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Even if I did suffer 2 extreme heartaches. I really do have to do some of my work now. I'll write more later.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I'm Happy! Weigh In Update
I just wanted to give an update....
I have a couple of minutes before my other addiction comes on, "Deadliest Catch." I love that show! On weekends when there is a marathon, I'm in heaven! I just love Edgar Hanson!
It's Tuesday and that means Weight Watchers

I haven't been on here for a few days. While I have a couple of minutes I thought I'd just blog away. This is the card I made for my sister for Mother's Day. I have to say that the Pooh & Friends Cartridge is a lot easier to work with than Disney's Dreams Come True. I'm still battling on creating Ariel for my niece's b-day card. I also think I need the Cricut Expression and it would make my life a lot easier.
Today is Weigh In day at Weight Watchers. I'm not expecting anything major. 3.6 pounds would be great and I would be at a 20 pound loss, but I know that isn't going to happen.
A. I still love to eat and
B. Mother nature has paid me a visit.
It is what it is and I can not do anything about it. I'll update later on how my weigh in and meeting went.
Congratulations to Jennifer Pellegrino for winning the BBTB contest! Her work is just absolutely beautiful. Hopefully Jennifer is still following this. I tried and tried to become a follower of her blog yesterday and I was having major issues with it. I will try again later this week to join hers. Visit the Bitten By the Bug blog and click on the PeggyLovesVintage Contest or contest winners. Just beautiful - incredible. I wish I had 1/10th of the talent Jennifer has!
Well, this is all for now. My husband should be home soon. Oh by the way, he still isn't talking to me. My Mother's Day weekend with him sucked! Dan is still ragged off because I spent money on lunch with my BFF on Friday. GROW UP!!!!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Yesterday was Friday. I'm off on Friday's. I didn't feel like doing anything at all. I had grocery shopping to do, which depresses me. I'm amazed at how the cost of groceries goes up each week! Anyway, I remembered my BFF Lisa was off, so I called her and asked if she wanted to do lunch. We met around 10:00, walked through Big Lots for a while, then went to Eat-n-Park. Lisa and I hadn't seen each other since I don't know when, basically LIFE HAPPENS. I can not remember when I've had so much on my schedule. Lisa and I enjoyed a leisurely lunch. It was so nice, if nice is even the word I should use to describe it. Our kids weren't there to keep interrupting, our husbands weren't there with their attitudes, it was just us. Lis and Sher. I wasn't a mom, I wasn't a wife, I was me. I haven't felt like me in such a long time. Something my husband just does not understand. Remember, he can not think outside of the box. I felt re-energized afterwards. Of course after I got home and Dan found out I ate lunch out, he gave me major attitude and didn't talk to me for the rest of the night. Seems as though he doesn't like it when I'm happy, he feels the need to burst my bubble every time.
Lisa's son went to his prom yesterday. Oh my! Lee looked so handsome. What a kid! Where has the time gone? Graduating high school and off to college in August. I'm totally dumbfounded by it. Lisa emailed me prom pics last night and I cried. I'm tearing up just thinking about it now. I've known Lee since he was in the womb. I used to change his diapers, he puked in my hair when he was a baby! My niece Lauren turns 18 this week. My sister and I are having an 18th birthday party for her next Saturday. Lauren only invited 85 of her closest friends! Lauren's prom was a couple of weeks ago. I went to her friends house to take pictures. After a while I had to leave. I was going to start bawling! I was looking at this beautiful young woman standing in front of me wondering where the time has gone. Lauren has gone from this bald, big blue eyed baby to this gorgeous young woman with long blond curly hair. My baby will be 8 in a month! 8! Danny is losing his baby-ness and gaining his independence. It is so hard to let go. Danny doesn't feel the need to hold my hand when in parking lots, he gives me the quickest kiss at the bus stop for fear of someone seeing. Just not to long ago, he would hug and hug me and wouldn't want to let go of me before getting on the bus. I guess Stevie Nicks sums it up the best, "Children get older and I'm getting older too." - Landslide
I should have listen to the advice of elders growing up. Slow down, take you time, time goes so fast. Enjoy your kids to the max, they don't stay babies forever, don't wish away time. Geez had I known then what I know now...
Anyway...my Cricut broke last night. I'm a little upset over it. I shouldn't say that it is broken, it will still cut, but the hinge/gear thing broke that lifts up the cover. My husband could care less. Should I expect anything different? My son tried to console me all evening. I have to open the cover myself, the part with the display screen. Well, maybe I can talk to my mom and she'll get me the Expression for Christmas. Yes, my mom spoils me! Speaking of mom's tomorrow is Mother's Day. I can predict my Mother's Day, I will cook our breakfast only because my husband will use my being on Weight Watchers as a cop out. I make breakfast every Sunday so you would think by now he would know what to cook, I've been doing it for 11 weeks. I have turkey bacon and turkey sausage in the fridge just waiting... I would like to spend time with my mom, after all, it is Mother's Day! Dan doesn't understand that. My mom will not be here forever, so while she is here, I want to spend all of the time that I can with her. I want Danny to have memories of the times he and his Nana shared. To me it is not a big deal to be catered to. I would much rather give to others than have others give to me. Just cook me breakfast and I'll be happy. Danny gave me my Mother's Day gift yesterday when he got home from school. He planted a pansy in a little Terra cotta pot that he decorated with tissue paper and modge podge. He was so proud! I love it! I told Danny that I will plant my pansy in the flower garden. Danny was so excited that I loved it.
I'm hoping to finish Lauren's birthday present that I'm making today. I bought a chipboard purse at Michael's, and on each page will be a letter from her name, a word using that letter that describes her and some little memory of her that I have. I started it last night. I also have to go out and find something for my mom for Mother's Day. There are 2 greenhouses I'm going to go to. I would like to get her a hanging basket or something of the sort, or maybe a gift card and she can use it to pick out her flowers for her garden.
I apologize for writing a novel here. But this is very therapeutic for me. I can type my thoughts at random instead of keeping them inside. I'm off to get a shower now. I'll post again later on or tomorrow at some point.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
BBTB Beyond Birthdays Challenge
I just wanted to share my exciting news with whomever is reading this!
If you have checked into my blog, please sign in!
Have a great night everyone!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Just Chillin
Monday, Monday May 4, 2009
So far Danny is behaving and getting ready for school. We just got done watching the "Best Day Ever" Episode from Spongebob. We also sang the "Best Day Ever" song. These things are what memories are made of.
I'm hoping to plant my flowers that I bought last week. I bought perennials. I'm tired of planting flowers over and over again. Hopefully the weather will hold out. Supposed to rain all week.
Well, have to finish getting ready for work....
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Saturday Night - May 2nd
It's Saturday
Me, my mom and sister are all doing weight watchers. My sister and I joined 10 weeks ago. I've lost almost 15 pounds, my sister however, is kicking some major butt. She has lost almost 20. She had reached her 10% goal and it is noticeable. I'm glad we are doing it together. My mom joined a few weeks ago and has lost just under 5 pounds. I am waiting for the weight watchers points/recipe builder to download so I can figure out the points for our lunch. 15 pounds is my first goal, followed by 30 for the second, then 45 etc... I have a lot to lose! And it is going to take a long time. I've decided that this is for life. I NEED to do this for myself first. I don't think I have ever done anything for myself before. I feel I am a very unselfish person, but my husband on the other hand says I am the most selfish person he has ever met. I believe he feels that way because of his insecurities in life and his inability to be able to give freely and not expect anything in return. Don't get me wrong, I love him dearly, I would be lost without him, but he can not see outside the box, literally! Anyway...my very big first goal is 100 pounds. I have 85 more to go. We'll see what happens after that.
I'm off to start lunch now. Pens play in 2 hours and 14 minutes! Sid the Kid will be out on the ice. I just love him! GO PENS!!!!!